Its been a week or two now, since Microsoft started rolling out the Windows 10 update for eligible PCs. But many with eligible PCs still haven't got their updates, Microsoft has conveyed that they would be rolling out the updates sooner or later, so you should probably receive the update in the coming days or weeks.
But if you haven't still received the update and are very curious the new Windows 10 then you might be looking forward to force an upgrade to Windows for your PC, if you are willing to do so then you should follow the following steps:
But if you haven't still received the update and are very curious the new Windows 10 then you might be looking forward to force an upgrade to Windows for your PC, if you are willing to do so then you should follow the following steps:
1. You should probably first check out you don't have any pending updates, if you have any pending updates, then you should first download all of the pending updates, then you might receive the notification for your upgrade to Windows 10. Then you would just be required to follow the steps shown along with the notification. Your upgrade package would be downloaded in the form of updates and then you would be able to upgrade to Windows 10.
2. But if you have already completed all your updates and still haven't received the notification, then you will have to make your PC force to upgrade to Windows 10. This can be done by:
- Type in regedit in your search box.
- A window called regedit will open. Now locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\OSUpgrade
- It should already exist but if it doesn't, then you would be required to create it.
- Create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value with Name = "AllowOSUpgrade” (without the quotes), and set the Value = 0x00000001.
Once you have completed all the above steps, you would need to navigate to the Control Panel, go to the update settings and check for updates. Now you would be able to download the files required for your upgrade to Windows 10.
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